Farmersburg Library has been in different
locations along Main Street. It was over Hammond's Garage, which
meant climbing tall stairs to get a book. It was over Gray's
Drugstore which meant more stairs. It was in William (Shorty)
Johnson's egg business which was torn down when Jewett Printing
expanded. June 26, 1972 it was moved to its Main Street location
which previously housed Paul Gregg's Dry Cleaners. In 2009 this
old building developed mold and structural problems and had to be
vacated. The library
opened in a new temporary location at the Town Hall until
a new building next to Heady Heating was purchased and renovated.
The library opened in the new building on Main Street on June 1, 2010.
There have been many librarians, but
everyone of a "certain" age remembers Hazel Bennett having
been with the library at each location. Other librarians include
Lucille King, Melba Scott, Ruth Lane, Linda Drake, Loena Gaskins, Carolyn Caton.